Nov 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving to All and to All a Good Night!

I think I would like to have a holographic blogger platform.  One with voice recog so I can call it up in the middle of my living room while changing diapers, cooking, cleaning, crafting, being awesome, and probably cooking and cleaning some more.  I don't have enough hands to type all that I would like!

My one rule for this blog is to keep it positive, though, and sometimes that weeds out quite a bit.  Let's see how this goes.

This has been one of my favorite Thanksgivings of my life thus far!  There were new recipes and the inherent challenges that my dorkdom craves, the delicious odors that will probably stay in my home for at least another day (don't ya love it when the air smells edible?), no traveling outside of a one mile radius of our home, friends!, and no...hmmm...*stay positive*...historical repeats!
  ~  S     M     I     L     E  ~
I also participated in my first white elephant extravaganza and it was great!  I racked up with a foot spa!  I feel sorry for the dude that got my potpourri  ;)  Which is a horrendous word, IMO.  My brain wants to say that word phonetically but BOY would my friends pick on me if I actually let my mouth listen to my brain.
So I tried the upside down turkey trick.  You roast that bird upside down stuffed with tons of butter and salt and herbs.  Viola!  It's one tasty dish, folks.  Not too dry and not too 'fatty', as my husband detests that taste.  I also ventured into candied yam land.  It was a fun trip considering I've never been a fan of it.  I think my pal, Bob, had it right about the almonds.  Toasted almonds make everything just right!  I'm gonna throw these recipes at the bottom of this post just so you can hack at it next year if you like.  Also -- conquered giblet gravy.  Do you say it {jib'-let} or {gib'-let}?  Just wonderin'...

 I tweaked both recipes just a tad.  With the turkey, I prepared it the same way I just seasoned it with rosemary, thyme, paprika,  salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, cumin, and nutmeg.  I stuffed it with several cloves of garlic and several small onions with the same seasonings.  I also used butter with both internal and external herby mixtures and two bay leaves.  I would have added sage but was all out.  I did flip my bird to brown the breast.  With the yams, the recipe does not call for mashed but that's what I done did.  I also do not like pecans that much so I sub'd almond slices.
So today was a grand day filled with love.  My back aches from standing in the kitchen but my heart is happy with the results so, WHATEV.  The most important thing for us this year was to begin our own family traditions and hopefully set the course for stress- and drama-free holidays.  My heart is sad about being away from those whom I spent my holidays with as a child but I know in my head that this is the best way for now.  I am thankful for those good memories we shared and thankful for all the other kinds of memories that have influenced my present-day mold.  I am thankful for family that you can choose to have later in life and the love that comes with those new relationships.  There is safety in hope, despite the counter-intuitive nature of that statement ;)  Have enough faith to exercise a little hope and you might just find your piece of peace.
On that note, check out this nifty online store.  The items are a little pricier but good art usually is...
 Oscar Wilde knew what the deal was...
I hope you all had a safe, happy, and friendly day of thanks surrounded by those whom love you best.  G'nite! 

Nov 12, 2011

Photo/Body Art project & partyin' in the yard!

Ain't gonna lie, this past week  and a half was rough, dude! My kidney got sick again and I was reminded of how vital a renal system is to our well-being.  I got some good meds and I started feeling better after about four days.  But dude...a sick kidney is no joke!  Everyone needs to drink plenty of water every day and eat good food like fresh veggies and fruit from the Farmer's Market.  Also, exercise!  One day we'll be too old to run around (I kinda feel like that now from inactivity) and too old to play ball with our kids and too old to chug water and just too dern old to do anything but say 'I woulda coulda...'

So take care of yourself.  You and your family will thank you now and forever.

I was able to really start enjoying myself later this week once I got my swagger back.  Pinterest kept the good ideas flowing and friends made me laugh and smile all the way into Saturday evening.  I got to participate in a nifty photo project with a local photographer, Carl Tyler, centered around body art.  We took photos in Marsh Woodwinds, a local shop that hosts live bands and lots of jazz.  The guys there were really friendly and supportive of our project, giving us free reign upstairs, downstairs, as well as in the back where they repair all kinds of instruments.  There was a wall of saxophones that just drove me nuts (in a good way).  I was super nervous and still feel unsure about the final product but hopefully he got something he can work with after three hours.  Whew.  I was super proud of my husband for being so supportive and being able to razzle dazzle Mr. Tyler with his guitar skills!  He needs his own photo shoot, the rock star!

This week we celebrated Veteran's Day, people.  My husband spent six years in the Navy.  His dad is a lifer, about to enter the arena at the Pentagon (I hope that's not classified or something?!).  His brother is currently stationed in Norfolk, Va.  My grandfather and great-grandfather were also seamen for many, many years.  I cannot even properly recall all the friends and friends of friends and distant relatives that are serving or also have many friends and loved ones serving in the military for the United States of America.  That's a lot of people, people.  They go because they don't know what else to do after high school, or they come from a family of servicemen, or they have national pride out the wazoo...but I don't really care why they join.  I don't care if they were jerks in high school or if they are still a jerk.  When they signed that paper they knew that they could possibly die and it would in the name of our freedom.  I guess maybe I could do the same...?...but I sure am glad I don't have to...

~Thank You~

Freedom to gather under pretty lights and eat yummy food.  Lots of it.
And to top it all off we were able to gather with friends tonight in the crisp autumn evening to enjoy delicious bowls of warm and cozy concoctions and roast marshmallows while mommies diverted crazy suicidal toddlers from the huge fire cage basket thingy.  And the moon looked cool, too.  Just as we were leaving to tuck our little Boogie into bed, he waved at our host and said, "Bye-eeee" for the very first time.  Just like me.

 Freedom to be goofy with your child in the safety of your home with your husband in PJs made in the US.
   And to teach him to smile.  Just like you.